Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Status of learning Morse Code

So,  I thought you all might like to see what my CW practice is like. Rather than just give you a bunch of boring statistics, numbers, etc, I thought I'd have fun, and post this transcription. The first part is a partial transcription of a W1AW broadcast from Aug 18, and the other is a QSO I had with a club member tonight (Only what I heard, of course). I think the W1AW broadcast was either 13 or 10 WPM, from 09/12 QST
 page 77, will edit the post when I figure it out. The conversation was about 12 WPM as well. I figured that as this is my 73rd blog post, I'd do something a bit fun. Enjoy!
xw1hwpm isfromseptemr 2012 r pae zz ri uptmn. we umpd nd tarid pthe si. although olice pased stuoug straffic let, wed he to make afte tow. at efry coer, at ith orning, e wi crow rppl cherg as hunrs whetrnow clpn how sigs tat red s yu, our heoes. atone tow, yos woman up to my ind and ave ea rower. she old sow ratefl she was tha ehlpe. eve grown m cy? no hero. i just nromur rago operator, doing = qst % nw 13 =ht i cu. the driuer daoped us off near penn station and then ofice office stopped cab orded him to ke oe tred ross . the cabbit caroe mefor the trip. the cabbie of arab decent and he told ow horrihl he ad others of his faoily felt adout the attacks. eplog r a short itat home, wnce ag voluntred for duty as a coounicar. tse redcross, y theoe, h

ben rweff dfdk
ai k? 0r
kd7uiy k0zr ers? de kess wuiwust usdr
t yglk kd7uiy de k0zr k

kd7uiy de k0zr fdd nwelcome to cw hi cis adut iuse now io spead 99 percent ime ncw im outh of purcellville ben r

fb ben just keep practicing, t take it ime practice what d rnt ant? br
br what ant antuuseng? bk
d ok ok hr anvvee invvee atz0ft ll need to get some things done so z2ke to arudenrkd7uiy
de wt 

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